The largest man-made structure in space ever is celebrating its birthday and looking optimistically in the future. This video shows its wonderful journey thru’ its last 15 years.

The whole project did take long to realise. This infographic shows the history of its construction and development.

Follow the International Space Station's (ISS) construction and development history from this infographic provided by

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Astronomy, Space

How habitable are known planets?!

No doubt Earth is the most habitable of all, but it does not hold the perfect score. Luckily, it’s not human who is making Earth less than perfectly habitable, but rather it is due to “tidal flexing“.

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Source: Daily chart: Life on Mars and elsewhere | The Economist.

Science, Space

Kepler mission: a search for earth-sized planet

The quest to find a earth-like planet continues. Kepler Mission is a proper addition after european CoRoT mission. CoRoT was kept as an open secret with tedious french connection, even rather very open scientific community has no direct access. I think it will change with Kepler, which has gone social with its own presence in Twittverse. I wish the whole team all the best and am looking forward to first results.

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